Services :: Sleep Apnea <br> Therapy :: Neudentistry
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Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is the failure to breathe while you sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type apnea. In this form of the disease In this form of the disease, the airway collapses, cutting off airflow to the lungs. A partial airway obstruction causes the upper airway tissues to vibrate and produce the sound of classic snore.

Patients who treat obstructive sleep apnea will return to amore normal sleep pattern allowing the body its much needed rest. Patiens will feel more awake and energetic allowing increased focus and activity throughout the day. Benefits also include reduced risk for heart failure, stroke, diabetes, hypertension and others.

Panin Tower Senayan City 19th floor, Jl. Asia Afrika lot 19, Jakarta 10270 | phone: (62.21) 7278.2381 - 83 | E: | sms: 081.772.6374
Tokopedia Tower 36th floor unit D-E, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 11, Jakarta 12940 | phone: (62.21) 2598.2626 - 27 | E: | sms: 0819.1872.6374

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